AA Enterprises Return Policy
- For any reason, the item you ordered is not suitable for you. You are welcome to return it for a full refund.
- If your order was damaged en route to you, you must contact us within one working day after delivery. We will definitely replace this for you.
- Certain items may be marketed with a “Limited Warranty.” Typically, the terms of this warranty are included in the product specifications. Exceptions to the limits are not covered.
- Visible damage, overuse, and normal wear & tear are not warranted. Such items will only be returned to the sender, and the shipping expenses will be invoiced and charged.
- Returns are typically refunded in 7 to 14 days after being received. We will issue a refund as soon as the replacements are processed.
- Products sold with a “no return” policy cannot be returned. This would have been specified in the product specifications. This does not indicate a high return rate, but rather that the manufacturer does not issue a guarantee due to the product’s low value or fragility.
- Any modification of a product will cancel the manufacturer’s warranty.
Return Address
Wellesbourne Airfield Market
Furnace End Car Boot Market
Email Address